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'all things are possible for those that believe' (Mark 9:23)


Welcome to Woodford Halse Nursery

The Nursery at Woodford Halse CE School is where your child's educational journey starts and adventures begin. Woodford Halse Nursery offers teacher-led education for three and four year olds and is a fantastic, friendly place for children to begin their learning and development. The nursery has all the advantages of being part of a primary school while offering the flexibility of care, including full time from 8.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

We are a spacious nursery led by a Nursery Lead Teacher and Nursery Teaching Assistants. In term time the Nursery Lead Teacher is responsible for the educational content and delivering the early years curriculum within an environment which enables excellent provision for learning, development, growth and hunger for each child to reach their full potential. Children attending can easily make friendships across the nursery including with the reception classes providing a helpful transition into the primary school.

Woodford Halse Nursery benefits from being connected to the main school giving children an opportunity to use the hall and grounds for physical activities, welly walks and outdoor adventures every week. The nursery also takes part in whole school events such as World Book Day and charity fundraising.

Nursery learning and childcare matches that of the school day and is offered to families and siblings at Woodford Halse CE Primary Academy. The Nest offers flexible wrap-around childcare before and after nursery hours to suit you and your child.

The nursery team includes a Lead Teacher, Teaching Assistants and additional support workers with a focus on excellence in education.

Nursery Ethos

At Woodford Halse Nursery we help our unique children to be Ready, Resilient, Respectful and Reflective and to live and learn through the words of Mark 9.25 ‘All things are possible for those that believe’, in preparation for their learning journey ahead. Woodford Halse Nursery aims to provide excellent standards of provision in a friendly, supportive environment in the heart of our village community.

Our Intentions

To provide a safe, caring, stimulating and happy environment. Nurture every child to grow and flourish in their own unique way and support them to reach their full potential.

To promote diversity and equality; to provide opportunities for every child regardless of race, ethnicity, ability, sex or religion.

To provide opportunities for children to be active learners and be stimulated to learn through discovery, enjoyment, awe and wonder and continuous provision throughout EYFS.

To provide a rich emotional and social vocabulary in order to meet their needs through the Thrive Approach.

To provide a full and enriched curriculum for active learning, play and exploring and creative and critical thinking. Providing opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning.

To work in partnership with parents and other professional bodies to provide a holistic and personalised learning experience for every child, regardless of ability or needs.

To welcome and share with parents their child’s progress and development through the Tapestry Journal, open days, meet and greet and parents' evenings.