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'all things are possible for those that believe' (Mark 9:23)

Vision & Values


A great Christian school with the children and community at its heart.


We aim to be ready, resilient, respectful and reflective.

Through our values of readiness, resilience, respect and reflection we aim to ensure our children are happy, fulfilled and challenged in all they do. Children will be confident to step out into the world with deeper faith and understanding of themselves, others and their environment.


The school will embrace its individuality to deliver a curriculum that inspires children to achieve through the values of readiness, resilience, respect and reflection. That curriculum will be led by creative thinking and contextual learning. It will deliver the national curriculum but not be defined by it. Our curriculum will ensure children are ready for their next step both academically and in regard to skills for life.

As a school we will ensure children have depth to their understanding of Christianity and other faiths and the values this brings. We will ensure they are informed and ready to make their own choices about faith and responsibility to society.

At the heart of the community we will embrace our locality and make it part of our everyday learning.

Our thematic approach will allow children to learn about the past and use that learning to solve problems of the future across all areas of the curriculum, thus creating citizens of the world.

The learning environment will be inspiring to all. Allowing them to show what they can achieve whilst being inspired by others.

As a school the education offered will go beyond the boundaries of a 9 to 3.30 system and draw upon both extra-curricular development and strengthening learning beyond the walls of the classroom.

Children’s learning will be focused on the interests of the children alongside the expectations of the curriculum.

As a school we will adopt a no excuses approach in all we do.