Nursery Curriculum
Children in nursery follow the Dimensions curriculum.
Our curriculum aims to provide a wide range of learning experiences through the EYFS Unique Child Strategy in the following 7 key areas.
- Personal, Social, Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
These are achieved through the following accessible activity areas.
Mark Making
Creative Area
Construction Area
Small World
Book Corner
Role Play
Messy Play
Sound Wall
Sand Area
Mud Kitchen
Garden Area
Water Play Area
Imaginative Play
Home Corner
Climbing Area
Forest Area
In Nursery Every Child will…
- Play and have fun
- Make friends and learn how to play together
- Make choices and decision
- Learn to be independent
- Talk about the thing they do and think
- Choose their own activities
- Learn both indoors and outdoors
- Work with adults
- Make a mess and help tidy up
- Experience awe and wonder through various activities